In case you are a website owner and you plan to sell your website then there are quite a few factors that you will need to consider. The process of evaluating the value of your site is termed as appraising website. This process needs to be carried out very diligently as the selling price of your website is dependent on the site value calculated …
Website Appraisal
Website Valuation: Things to Know
Are you an online entrepreneur? If so, then one of the hardest and most significant business decisions that you will ever have to make in your career is to decide on selling your website. Before you eventually sell it though, have you thought of valuing your website or finding out the website worth? Often people tend to create a website with the …
How to Carry Out A Website Appraisal?
How to Carry Out Website Appraisal? If interested in selling or buying a website, web portal or domain name, you need to have a good idea of the various details of buying and selling a website. Buying and selling are the two pillars on which any credible business stands. With the advent of the Worldwide Web, there has been a huge change in …